aku hanyalah seorang remaja tipikal yang memerlukan secebis kekuatan untuk terus bernafas mengutip molekul oksigen. menjawab teka-teki setiap penjuru hidup. menyelesaikan puzzle sehingga menjadi satu kehidupan yang lengkap.
assalamualaikum :) PMR's result in 2012 is end. END. THE.END. and alhamdulillah, my sister, ili shamimi got straight A's. 9 A's. she got 9 A's!!! many congrates from bottom of my heart to you. cehh :) and Allah, profuse thanks for the countless blessings. Alhamdulillah :) verily, Allah never broke His promises. believe it. pray hard. pray confidently. and effort is matter too. it's meaningless ada effort but no pray. and vice versa. *aku cakap macam dah lepas pmr. haha :P
tak lupe jugak congrates to all 103 PMR candidates 2012 in SAMBEST yang dapat 9A's. dan kepada yang kurang cemerlang, its okay. you all dah berusaha, dah berdoa pade Allah. dan dah berikan yang terbaik. and that's enough. maybe Allah had planned something better. PMR is not the end of the war. banyak lagi perjalanan. SPM tu. and maybe jugak Allah nak test kite sebab Allah tahu kite kuat of facing dugaan ni. just have faith in Allah. yakin pade Allah. He is Our Creator. leave it to Allah. mungkin ujian yang ditimpa ni as Allah's gesture suruh kite lebih dekatkan diri pade Dia. and no matter what, be grateful. because grateful is everything. *cehh*
and my turn is next year! ya Allah, berilah kekuatan nak hadapi PMR ni ! Amiin ~