

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim :)

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

assalamualaikum ladies and gentlemen. err, gentleman kot, not gentlemen. sebab my follower tak banyak sangat. haha. and frankly speaking ahh, really don't care pasal follower ni. seriously kay. teehee :)

"ala, sikitnye follower aku. tige puluh baru? si tett tett yang entry bosan gile tahap langit tu pun dah seratus lebih."

lepas dah mengalami blogger crisis ni, then find and gather byk2 link orang. pastu blogwalking, dekat chatbox owner tu, start a conversation, said "your blog is awesome. really love it. do visit mine and follow it :)"
and the same dialog dekat the most blog yang difollow. and that the first step. second step, promoting the blog dekat facebook's status. 

and i'm not that typical. hoho. betullah. and profuse apologize if i offended anyone's heart kay? okay, good! 

actually, aku taknak lah cerite pasal semue bende kat atas ni. tapi entahlah. tak tao tangan ni tetibe tertaip. hehe! the truth is, nak cerite , erm not cerite lah. just an important information je! haha. its about my wishlist yang satu ni. WISHLIST! so you all, with the most energy yang aku ade, ni aku nak cakap kasut newbalance ni lah wishlist aku!! haha. sorry, teraction lebih :P 

okay, dah usha dah? ini sneakers yang the most coolio and awesome.yeah, in my opinion lah. and my interest memang agak masculinity siket. hee :P but believe it, i'm still a mere girl yang punye hati lembut bak sutera. cehh :P

that's all for today! hee. my ngade-ngade one brother can't wait nak gune my lovely laptop ni. kay ahh, tata.titi.tutu. assalamualaikum :)