terus mr.angry memuntahkan larvanye. huh? pelik? aneh? weirdo?
i'm behaving in a strang manner. tak ke?
ade something yang amiss. betul ke? be....tul.. ke??? tak tahu!!
eh, alhamdulillah. dah cool pun. but after dah burst out segala darah merah lah. spill out lagi, lagi, lagi! baru terase gentle breeze tengah brushing pipi. dingin lah tu maksudnye.
ade sesiape yang injured? absolutely. liver mangse yang terkene semburan darah merah tu.
loss of life? ade? takde. loss of words ade. sure mangse tu terus jadi kaku. kaku lidah. silap2 kancing gigi terus. eh? tak ah. exaggerate je tu.
then, what should i do? mintak maaflah. terus kneeling je lah.
makcik ego yang boleh di describekan as a fat-ugly-annoying-stingy woman mencelah out of the blue. katenye; no need to apologize bagailah. eventually, die lupe jugak ape yg ko cakap kat die. takkanlah nak mintak maaf. buat drop your waterface je. HAHA. *gaye yang err, sumpah tett
ini true and authentic punye story tao. terbaik dari sawah. buat filem, laku tak sudah. masuk kotak pejabat lagi. ye dak? hee >)
do remind this. special for the victims; be patience. no need for revenge. don't bear a grudge. just sit back and wait. those who hurt you will eventually screw up themselves and if u're lucky, God will let you watch. isn't it?